Greetings brothers and sisters around the world!
In The Blessed Riches of Prayer, Dr. Blaise Feumba takes us on an extraordinary journey to deepen our understanding of the power of prayer to transform our personal lives and to propel the church in its mission to evangelize the nations. Fervent prayer is indelibly intertwined with numeric and spiritual growth in God’s church. This book will also help us to grasp how an authentic prayer life can open us to the ways the Spirit molds us and helps our character grow to be more like Christ.
In his personable, yet passionate style, Dr Blaise Feumba talks about prayer not as an academic topic, but as a description of his own journey with God over the past 30 years. On a path to attach some meaning to his life after earning a master’s degree in law in 1989, his life took an extraordinary turn when he was approached by two Christians sharing their faith outside a cathedral. They passionately offered to study the Bible with him. This encounter was not accidental as Blaise was just coming out of a prayer time where he isolated himself in this empty Cathedral, earnestly pleading with God to reveal Himself and lead him to know His will. These two brothers were like angels of God sent to help Blaise to know the Bible more accurately and to discover God’s calling for his life. After two weeks of enlightening, challenging Bible studies and much prayer, Blaise was baptized on March 26, 1990.
Instead of moving to the United States as was originally planned, he remained in Africa preaching the Word for 20 years across the 14 nations of French-speaking Africa. Blaise has also received his master’s and doctorate degrees in ministry from the International College of Christian Ministries in Los Angeles, California.
Blaise hopes this book will allow many to experience the riches of prayer personally and corporately as we all strive to grow closer to our Heavenly Father and proclaim the gospel to all nations!
Happy SOPI-reading and constant prayer as we close out the Year of Blessings!
- Click to purchase the paperback version of The Blessed Riches of Prayer